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Dance is Art in Motion

Vancouver Private Art Ensemble

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Documentary: Motion Artistry 北京小孔雀藝術團溫哥華分院紀錄片

    • Cherry Tao / Founder

      Art director, engaged in dance education for more than 30 years, Cherry has created a small peacock troupe in Beijing, successfully nurture many talented artists. She won the first prize and director award in many professional dance competitions. At the same time she also participated in the CCTV Spring Festival song and dance event, “the same song” variety show, the 60th anniversary celebration of the nation, and other large productions as the dance director. In 2003 she established Beijing Little Peacock Art Troupe Vancouver (now Motion Artistry Ltd™), continuing the mission to train high-quality dancers. In 2009, she founded the Vancouver Spring Show, as the founder and director, adhering to excellence and original attitude, has been presented to Vancouver audience with seven visually stunning performance along with some internationally recognized artists and performances.

      “Adhere to an attitude of art making,
          to fulfill one’s passion,with no regret.”
    • Motion Artistry / Dance Academy

      Being one of the most recognized and respected dance performers in China, Cherry wishes to share the beauty and the wisdom of the classical performance to younger generations. She personally trained hundreds of classically trained dancers and helped them reach their goals performing in well-established theatre houses in China and international shows. Pursuing her dream further, she established a Motion Artistry branch of Vancouver, Canada in 2005. Besides body figure sculpting training, Motion Artistry also provides the students valuable opportunities by winning many provincial dance competitions every year and also been involved many local community events and show performances.


  • Robert


  • Anya


  • Barbara


  • Zahra


  • Dongmei 東梅


  • Silu 席璐



"Life is the dancer, and you are the dance."

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