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IMPORTANT: Covid-19 Update

To our Students, Clients and Supporters,

I am writing to share an update on behalf of all of us at Motion Artistry as we manage Covid-19.

Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. As we all know, the events of the past few weeks have been unprecedented, our team at Motion Artistry continues to monitor and navigate this rapidly changing situation with the rest of the world. 

At Motion Artistry, we care deeply about doing what we can to keep our people and communities well and with this in mind it has made difficult decisions a little easier to make. 

During this time we have kept our doors closed, kept in constant communication with students and peers to update them about the on-going status of Motion Artistry.

As of May 19, 2020 the BC Provincial Government has begun opening of non-essential business and with that in mind here are a few things we plan on doing to exemplify our goal to keep our students and teachers safe.

  • All staff and students will follow hand washing procedures outlined by Work Safe BC upon entering and exiting the premise
  • We've increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitation in all areas of our dance studios, especially high contact areas like doors, rails and all handles
  • Protective equipment available for all staff; disposable face masks and gloves are always available
  • Employee health checks and are available for teachers and staff to ensure that staff who are at risk or feeling ill stay at home
  • Limiting class room sessions to maintain safe distancing with students
    • Creating single path ways to enter and exit the studio
  • Increased bandwidth on our online portal to accommodate the increase in online traffic.

We thank everyone for your continued support and we'll get through this together.

Cherry Tao,
Director of Motion Artistry 


© 2025 Motion Artistry Ltd.